Something that enlightened me which I got from my role model in life. He is someone that I used to have fights and arguments since young. But deep down in my heart, I always hold the highest regard for him and that's what he told me.
Dad, too, taught me in his own inimitable way. I was building two steps for a house, making wooden forms to be filled with concrete. Dad, who was watching, never told me I was building them wrong; and it wasn’t until I had poured the concrete that I saw my mistake: the first step was too big and the top step was too small. Dad handed me a sledgehammer, and all he said, then or later, was, “Break it, and do it the right way next time.” He could have saved a little time and money by telling me beforehand, “Measure twice, cut once.” But the method he chose was unforgettable.
After that, I made a speech..
After reading this passage, it makes me think about when I was an intern back then in Singapore. I was in the pastry kitchen and one of my first tasks is to learn to bake a souffle. At that time, being young, I was eager, excitable and most importantly, impatient. What I did was I kept walking back and forth to the oven, opening the door to see whether my souffle has risen anot. Eventually, it did not. The pastry chef witnessed this whole episode of me making the mistake, but he kept silent throughout. So like Max Sharp, he wants me to learn it the hard way. From then on, I have learnt my lesson. Not only he taught me that when you bake a souffle, you can’t just open the oven door, but also he taught me the value of patience which is still deeply engraved in my memories now.
The reason why I am sharing this with you is because when I’m doing my rounds, I observed that some managers are so tied up in the tasks of their day to day operations of their department; tasks that the supervisors or even the line employees can undertake.
I also happen to be one of them, so how I felt it’s because I’m afraid they will screw it up then it will reflect badly on my department. However if we the managers are not letting them do these tasks, making the mistakes, these staff will never learn and the whole vicious cycle will continue.
As you slowly digest this book, you will find that Mr, Sharp has written of his experiences in his career which will be applicable to what we are facing now.
Yes, I need to be patient in terms of everything for the fruit of success.
That applies to matters of heart as well. I believe the right one will come when it's time.
I need to set my priorities right.Labels: jasonyeo, love, patience, role model |