Hello people, I finally got the mood to blog again after so long. It's been some time since I got the time to really sit down and think of what to blog about. Army has been taking up most of my time nowadays. I used to dread about going to work in the early wee morning. But now I look at things in a different perspective. It can be very tiring at the end of the day when I reach home everyday.
As I have emphasis before that those other NSFs are the reasons why I look forward for. But now I would rephrase it and say it's my colleagues that are the ones. I looked upon them like a family. Alright, perhaps not all. There are happy times, sometimes there will be misuderstandings but at the end of the day we will still have laughters heard. I feel really affected and sad when something when wrong at work today though. My upper and I was doing a report but somehow something went amiss and I think he has to crack his head and figure out how to solve it. I feel kinda bad over it. Sharks. I shall just skip this and move over to the fun side.
Yes, we had a cohesion day today. It was held at Amoy Quee Camp and it is really a fun and meaningful day. I got to know some people better. Some that you know that existed but never talk to before. I'm happy that my group won out of the 3 others. I guess we really am enthusiastic about every games until the rain got to be the party pooper. From there, I learnt that event like that really makes one feel so much united and feel like home.
I'm sure I have pretty much more events coming up in my next 19 months to come. I'm sorry to all my other friends that I can't attend certain outings with you people due to insufficient time and all. I have missed out so much out there. I will be back when I have the time again. But meanwhile, I hope everyone is doing fine and I will catch up with you people.
This is a picture I had with them when I'm with them just for 2 weeks plus. I still ain't really close with them.

This bond will keep going on strong.
p.s - I was thinking of closing down soon because facebook seem like a second blog.Labels: army, army life, cohesion day, hrsc |