Yes people, sorry for the lack of entries for the past few days. Yours truly have been really busy till late nights. Mostly supper with Jon and co driving out, having phone call with Isa and doing my personal stuffs. I'm been quite a pretty busy bummer from what Jon said. Well, I like life like this. I realised I don't have time sitting down just like this blogging on how my life is like.
Anyway, this entry is more about my braces. So I would like to share abit on how the whole process is like.
See how hideous my teeth is from the start before braces is put on? It's really crooked and the top part is actually protruding out by ALOT! So for my part, I got to EXTRACT(Jon) three teeth before putting on those metal brackets. Yes, they are placed on my teeth individually with a kind of "glue". Then they will start to insert those wiring to my set of teeth.
Now I will show you this set of colourful bands.
They are used to put onto those brackets to make those wiring and everything tighter. The tighter they go, it mean movement for your teeth. When those teeth starts moving(normally you won't notice it anyway), that explains where is the pain coming from. I can't chew any solid food for the first 3 weeks. But for myself, I love to bite hard on my teeth that they get so pain when I released it. Yes, sadistic! :P
Those small little circles are those band on those brackets.
It's a regular thing to get them changed monthly to ensure the smooth movement of the teeth. From what I heard from my doctor, I should have that braces remove by the start of next year. I can't wait to get it off but part of me telling me that I will miss that for sure. 2 years pass so fast just like this.
Anyway, braces have change my life alot like what I told some of my closer friends before. Maybe I will go into that for the next entry. So for now, just bear with this entry yes? :D
It's 2am and I'm rushing for another entry for Bondevia. I'm feeling the distant with someone.