we are finally back to talking terms. me and junhao i'm refering to. owells. to think is quite stupid. just feel that it is weird too. one problem solved. many else to go. sighs. so today i accompany wenzhi, johnathan and renick to hougang mall to make some photo things. i find it quite cool. transferring hp pics to the machine and print out as photos. see.i print this out and it turn out to be like post card. alot like love of my own version. cool huh? seriously very nice! that is the postcard i am refering to.
recently , i took this picture. hope it is kinda appealing to some.
what about this?
owells. i'm tired. i skipped frisbee. time for me to go and have my sleep.
p.s- just for information people, blogs are linked around here and there. you don't have to ask from people.