there there there... another day had just gone past. so fast. project deadline coming up too. life getting abit better. just abit i swear. i seriously got no idea what i've been doing in school today. just that i know i played frisbee with the gang. it was fun and i needa buck up to improve. it was so sad that daniel will be quitting soon due to time constraint. well. we will always be the power rangers and captain planet. earth, fire, wind, water, heart. let the power combined, i am captain planet. YES! i'm the captain planet and they are the earth ... wahahaha. oh yah. sabrina finally sent me all the pics took during ain's birthday. and this one is taken during the crazy times. ((: upon returning home, BIG heavy rain. like wth. well. i'm still fine.
back to myself again. i feel that i always take things too fast in my own ways. maybe i'm just afraid of losing something i like. i don't know. it just went the wrong way whenever i does that. i think is time for me to learn and do it the right way. i always had this thought. the thought of working really hard and suffer now, and in future to come, i want a good paid job. upon that, i will have loads of money. naturally girls will just flock to you. but i just want a *special someone*. and i want a golden retriever so that i could walk it in the park with my love one. i want a sports car and a nice cosy house. i want the warmth and everything. i wanna plan my life out now not because i'm kiasu or what. at least i know what i want in life and i'm woring towards my goal. i know i'm thinking alot but i know it will benefit me! and i will be really motivated by this way ! watch out people! especially to those THAT ONCE DESPISE ME. all these just take some time.