basketball with my secondary school friends on sat morning. it was great indeed. miss those times. had this greater bond with my cousins too. been staying overnight in their house for 2 days. the three of us was simply hungry after our basketball game that we ate this number of food in the morning. haha. take alook. each of us ate two bowls. adding additional noodles. wow! then we going to be FAT soon. haha. owells. coming up next is my hilarious cousin, jovyn. see what he is up to. lol. firstly, he played with his ever so long ice cream. he just kept sucking and sucking till this length. and then he took the whole ice cream out and play that. the green long tongue ! wahahaha.
that's all for the fun part. tomorrow school is from 8am - 9pm. omg. i'm gonna be so dead. grrr. oh yah. as u people know that i seldom go out with my family, i didn't know my dad change his car again. look at this.
alright, that's all folks. more interesting entry tomorrow. i hope.