HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the two kids in my class. the winners are wenzhi and mengyeow! they are so fortunate to have classmates like us. don't you think so? people like dan, jer, jonathan, renick,mich and more. wahahha. i guess the class is getting closer and stronger in bond as days goes by. just that the racism war is still on between the two entertainers from our class. they are our class glory! so we celebrated their birthday.
-renick surprised the whole class by buying this delicious cake! wow! -the birthday boy and girl.
i think they should thanks me for conducting the song and photo taking. but i seem more enthusiastic than them. oops. but being the popular me , i always gotta do the job. who else? *yawns* ahaha.
-BOBBY told them to make a wish and make the background music for them too. how sweet of him?! people just say "awwwww..."
-this is our class E5. totally hilarious and funny.
this is how we ended everything with some of the people sneaking off to get those presents. whee. haha. i almost let the cat out of the bag. and to that birthday girl somemore. wahha.
about the chalet a few days ago, i don't have much picture seriously. -the food we bought and cost up to $170 plus.
-the fun and fights we had.
-see how beautifully our fire is being set up courteousy of alex and kailiang.
-i think i took this picture when we go in hunt for a frisbee. To so many places and wasted so much time.
-lastly, this is the frisbee. that kept me away from basketball too.
the sight of basketball doesn't seem to appeal to me like last time. the fading eagerness of frisbee is becoming more and more. that makes me losing interest in everything.
i shall be abit ore BHB in my blog entry next time in order to make it more interesting. or else it always seem so short and dull. i'm missing "you"