my day was pretty alright. went for my driving basic theory test and i passed finally. after that, went back with dan and others to make spectacles for him. because as he wanted to be dumbledore, he made his specs spoil on purpose. like what the heck. hahaha. skipped one lesson for that. on the way down, i met qianhui ! whaha. the one who didn't recognise me! tsk tsk. on the way to the optician, i saw this dog. it is a golden retriever. damn cute and nice! patted it a few times. and he knows how to shake hand. wow. then pearlyn and marilyn called to go to the playground to play with them. aaron and ernest was there too. i'm soaked with soft drinks. like wth. i will get my revenge. wahahaha. one word to say it all, TORTURED! sorry to caused that injurt pearlyn. owells. 2 hours of school tomorrow. shall go shop for frisbee and other things. ((: