yea. now i'm blogging at alex's house. alex, dom and me went to our training today. we really worked out and made ourselves really tired. and the muscle strains. i think give us two weeks and we will show something. constant running round the tracks ; doing squats ; pull ups and push ups ; lifting the so called "weight" which i love alot ; sit ups and jogs after that. this is tiring but awesome. i don't really get tired. the reason is you.
you made me lose somone important in my life, made me realised i'm not good enough for her. you are the one, that makes me keep running constantly. i just love running and run through my heart. thanks in fact.
and yea... i guess today u gotta make a decision through sms. by tomorrow i will know everything. god bless everything. please. *prays hard*
-the aftermath of those trainings. -he got bitten by a dog and was waiting for a vet to checkup. -the checkup in process. poor nono.