just a short brief about today happening. went over to my baby's house to have lunch with her family. was so nervous in the first place and yea. slowly i settled down. talked to her dad mostly about the both of us. i told him an intro of my background and all. he is so nice and all just like my uncle who talked to me nicely always. we happened to solve things maturely and like make sure of me and amanda. one thing that i feel so nice about it is that i told him something, "i just want to let you all to at least know that we are together rather than keeping it a secret behind you all guys". now we are more to open and not those secretive type. so cheerios. ((: -uncle was sitting at the long sofa while i'm sitting on the other one. nice house isn't it?
after that chat, he went to his room and get changed for the clubhouse. we are going there for lunch which is like so damn cool. that means is left with me and my baby at the living room so she decided to present her talent to me. piano ((: -here she goes and she just played 3 songs for me and i was so touched. awww.. i love u. while waiting for the food to arrive, me and baby went to walk around and we took this picture. is the restaurant and yes, the reflection is us. but hardly it can be seen. soon it is over. i sent her for her tuition and we spent some precious moment. nice and happy ((: will we stil be going on strong and more lovely? hopefully. (: