Happiness is the way to stay young & tall (:
This friendship that is getting stronger each passing day.
Sentosa on 31st March. We made a pact to make saturday morning a point to go sentosa to train up our frisbee skills and body colour (: Anyone interested can just join us.
The people that went that day. Not including Jon & Mos here.
Melvin & Me - Now you know what is tall?
Ley Yee, MengYeow(Tallie), Melvin.
The 3 mountain tortoises!
I think they look nice together! Haha! Puzzled over them.
The three guys that need some tanning!
Melvin & Me.
Three of us each with a pose.
Comparison! Melvin! We can do better than that.
The pro-est girl, Mossy! & Meng!
Melvin the newcomer! He is a fast learner! Better than us alot when we first started out. & Me!
The Jumpers! Jon leg muscle like Ben's one.
Stupid Jon! Now then I realised this. Soar in the air! (: I like Mossy picture here.
The scenery and the water is really nice!
This is the toughest shot I ever took. I got to keep running up and down that BIG rock. For a few times.
I love the people here alot.
The two new friends we made through volleyball! Li en & Yiting. One girl who is so quiet and another one who is NOISY and she is mean! Kidding.
After that, we decided to hit for the new musical fountain which cost $30million. The theme of it is Songs of Sea. The lightings and everything is just so nice. It will be very nice to bring your another part there to chill.
The starting part.
The people who went.
I shan't go much on it so that you people can see it for yourself. The animations.
The fireworks.
The GREEN laser lights (AP - see here!) GREEN!
The water waves.
The guy in white humming the music that leads to those waves. And that lady they wanted to rescue. Lame!
The ending.
This particular day will be remembered.
Soon again.
AILIN PHUA! That is a strip polo shirt! How is it?
I feel that you left me a timebomb. That kind of feeling.Labels: burnt., sentosa-tion |