I bet Ana will most probably think I'll start off like this.
Met those two bitches and her brother at ... You're are so wrong! Pictures will say it all. And yes, I love those two bitches of mine. Thanks for CORRECTING my english at times. Sometimes, when things click so well, it just turn out hard to believe. And that just happened to me.
Chomps at Night.(You can just click for a bigger image)
My bitches.
The crazy times.
The _ _ _ _ ster Gang.
Esplanade with Ap.
Just so clickable. Ask her!
Sometimes I feel that it's time to save some trees. Instead of ...
A Walk to Remember. Loves you all bitch! Thanks for everything!
Take care people! I can get to see my classmates tomorrow again. Week 4. Just 3 times of it more. Everyone hang on (: