I was chatting with Ruth yesterday over some issues and I realised she somehow make sense. No one in this world is perfect I should say. In this world, there are sure people who hate you and like you. For some reasons, they just do. There are sure people who will bring you down by spamming your blog with bad stuffs. But Ruth told me, just ignore them and just be yourself within your group of close friends. That will be enough to make you happy and sastifised. Thanks for the talk which make me see things in another way to improve on it. Enough of talking.
This is Chan Meng Meng and me! He is damn super TALL daooooooooooo! Please donate 5cm to me! :P
And now I know why Mossy likes to take the sky filled with clouds with the sun shining brightly behind it. Rainbow!
Life is so fragile. I was still alright yesterday morning till afternoon. And yes, I was injured again while playing basketball. I was jumping rather high and someone from behind pushed me so I landed down in an awkwardly way. I can feel the bones inside with those sounds like- creak crack BANG! The next thing I realised, I was down on the floor grabbing tightly on it. My mind flashed through alot of stuffs all of a sudden. This very evil voice whispering to me, "It's time you do something." I still don't get what it means. This is weird! Oh yah! Here is that pathetic ankle. I think it is common already.
I was rather upset over the injury because I have to make my dad rush back from work and fetch me to the doctor. And that doctor actually say if I don't come yesterday, tomorrow I can forget about going school. Shit! I should like tell him that's better so! Damn! Thanks for those who asked about it and cared. Appreciated.
Here you go Tiff. Your 100 marks art! Thanks for cheering :D
Take care people! Smile always :DDDDDDDD p.s - I miss you Isabelle Ferrells. I know you are reading!