I just received a news from my mum saying about her dad, my grandfather condition. My grandma was admitted to hospital not long ago and I was quite upset about it. Now hearing about my grandfather, it hurts me even more.
My mother told me my grandfather's lungs ain't working normally already. That's why he always hallucinate that he is ill or not feeling well when he actually is doing fine. But the BAD thing here is, if he ever get himself really sick, flu or any sickness, he will just depart from this world. I put myself into his shoes and was wondering, what will I do in my counting days? I want to die with no regrets and no dispute with anyone.
This have been bothering me for the past few days and adding up to this is the common tests. And now with friends. I really need a break. Say whatever you all want. I'm too tired to argue.
I have a christmas wish. Do you?
Dear God, please bless my grandpa and grandma. I don't want to lose them.