well. christmas is gonna be over in a few hours time. had loads of fun traveling here and there. met up with my close friends and all. well. tomorrow is gonna be my one week holiday. study and play at the same time. i mean relax. i'm quite tired to post too. shall let pictures do the talking for now. ((:
the first thing i saw when i reached dan's house.
this is the host of that day. daniel! the food rocks!
his room rocks. like a GIRL room. haha.
that was the log cake for that day (:
my gaara decided to join in the christmas fun too ((:
so is time for couple shots ((:
renick with the pure jealousy face.
and so we took a formal group shot. haha.
later on , it was the informal shot. coz no one knows how to take candid one.
and this is gonna be fun. i'm on the top of my world.
oh yah. not forgetting my cousin bday. this is the picture where we ate charlene cake. woots! my bro and cousins.
this is what i got for the exchange gift. danile made the test tube thingy. patient and a good guy for catch. 3 for $10. oops! i mean he is our MR NICE guy. sorry for the cost your mum spent on us. hee! the bones protruding from the descent rocks!
so this is how christmas end with a hell loads of fun and all. we had fun at DANIEL HOUSE! REALLY! I SWEAR! ((: