Upon reading Anqi's blog, I kinda regretting not applying to go Guangzhou for attachment. At least I will be more independent and get out of Singapore matters for a period of time. Damn! I bet she must be smirking evily now! I so love that dog! You guys should go see it! Click here to go and take alook!
Seeing how close she is with her sis made me feel happy somehow. Maybe I'm just envy of her! Shit you! :P Come nudge me in MSN la!
Recently, I think I have changed alot in terms of character and thinking wise. I got to know it through the way I speak and the way I typed in msn conversation. But I think that is a good thing because I feel I'm a much better person compared to the past. Haha! I want to meet up with all my attachment and school friends soon! Been busy that all of us can seldom hang out! Reading Jon's blog made me miss school so much! Jer and Jon enjoying life in school! :D Haha! Jon, my company right is between Chinatown and ClarkeQuay! -hinthint-
Anyway, before I end today entry, here is something I extracted from Jon's blog. I know he won't mind but anyway, he didn't copyright it too! So Meng, according to Law number 32425 Paragraph 234, I can use right? -_-
Here you go.
10 signs you're falling for someone Message:
1. As soon as you get online,you will look at his/her name first. 2. When you hear your phone ringing,you will hope it's him/her calling. 3. When a love song comes on theradio, you will think of him/her. 4. his/her name will makes your heartskip a beat everytime you hear it. 5. you always find yourself thinkingabout & wondering ifhe/she is thinking about you. 6. When your phone beeps receivingmessage, you will hope it's him/her. 7. you will always want to know whereis him/her location now. 8. you will always wish him/hergoodnite/goodmorning. 9. you will always be worried whenhe/she is sick. 10. The whole time you were reading this bulletin, he/she is the only oneperson in your mind ..
Jon, it's true for me too.
Hope work in IT show is doing fine for you. Lunch on you! Thanks.