Recently I've been spending quite a bomb. Just got myself two shirts despite my mum continuous nagging of the limited space of my cupboard. One of it is my class jersey which we made to end the 3months we spent together. It's quite surprising that we this group of guys can hit it off rather well. Another shirt is a Manchester United Shirt which I just got it from AMK Hub. Thanks Jamie for accompanying me :D And Sabrina for giving me this staff discount. Wahaha! I must try to cut down on spending wise. I'm so nice to you Jamie! Even just for 45minutes, I still travel down ok? Not black hearted already please. I will be staying home to finish up my project due next week. :( Before I go, here are the pictures of what is mentioned above.
The class jersey. C' est la vie (Team Name) Go find out that French word:D
The Manchested United shirt that I got myself. C. Ronaldo :D
This picture is taken quite long ago. Sabrina and me. Thanks for the help:D