This happens yesterday and today ; all in me myself. I have been turning in for a short nap at 8pm or around there to feel fresher when I wake up at 10pm. It's working as expected. Whenever I woke up, I feel so much better. But something WEIRD & EERIE happen once I fall into my sleep. I always got dreams. Note! DREAMS. Not just one. It's really dreams that seem so real and horrible. It's not those sweet and fairytale thingy. It works this way,
Dream start; Most exciting moment;Bobby woke up!;Too tired; Fall back to sleep again;
And immediately after awhile, another dream appear again. And I swear this never happen to me before. Even if it does, it not that fast. Sometimes the hurt or pain in the dream inflicts on my feeling. And it happened exactly the same cycle for these past two days. I was talking to Frances about it, She kinda make it eerie to me. Oh! The best part is I can't remember the dream because there are too many for me to handle. I only know I wake up a "hurt" boy. Is it before I go to sleep with a lot of unhappy thinkings? And having to remind myself to wake up and sleep through the night?
So, cananyone just tag and tell me this explaination? Dan, how about your theory ? Or Renick's theory? Be it anyone, just tag me and tell me what's is this about?
Random here. (So what type of guys do you belong to then?) (Like what's wrong with you?) (Why are you left stranded alone all this while?) (Maybe you should try to go do some self reflection.) (Bobby, you are you. Go think about it)