HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICH-CHILLY! i skipped morning lessons just to wake up and make myself much more presentable today. wax up and do a nice hairdo. wearing presentable and everything just for the celebration. while going to school,met wenxiong. so coincidentally. during this 5 hours of lessons, i have to make everything seem so nice like how i cmae out of bath. i managed to do so and time really fast and gone back to court to prepare everything for her. changed that BUNNY cage and stuffs. hope you can maintain it (: we planned everything nicely and stuffs , making her walk rounds, making her feel others hand and my hand turned out to be nikki hand? gosh. -faints! so funny ! everything seem so surprising to her because she thought i won't even come. blleahs! =P i sacrificed my guitar lesson and two more hours of lessons of C programming just for this. total of 5 hours lessons missed. but i think it is quite worth it. eventually, i kinda felt neglected and ignored by her somehow. is uneasy but i just kept to myself. i walked her home and we sitted in different seats and mine was a EMPTY seat beside it. kinda down and disappointed by how i'm treated after so much. i told myself not to endure and just let it be. i went back to court after that and starting venting my anger on badminton until i spoilt that shuttlecock. sorry jovyn. i felt much better after hearing her saying something. well. hope for the best and just let it be natural and time will tells. bobby bobby bobby will take his time and know things better. hope you like that pig...
-guess which one is the bday girl? -ok.. this is the birthday girl! don't u think she looks blur? oops! but she is cute (: