Yes! I went gym early in the morning with my cousins and Minkai. Kudos to dad for giving us a ride there (: Jonathan , now you know why I got so little for the points? Everything went smoothly, fun but tiring. I can feel that sense of acheivement everytime I step out of it. Now I'm so beat. I will start to study later on. Maybe after a nap. Less words and more pictures. I shall post what Ryan and me took yesterday (:
So this is Ryan and Me.
He took all the pictures for me. Like this, we don't really have to lock the door right? I always see Dan and Jon not locking too. Just for gags.
It will be a reality soon (:
I'm in a world like Mengyeow. No edit at all.
Dan and Jon will kill me if they see this entry. So this picture says it all. Stairways to heaven.