As promised, these are the pictures from the wedding.
Before entering the wedding dinner. I love this two brothers who can be so cute at times (:
This is my mum and his sister (:
Ain't him so innocent?
My parents of three.
A group photo with the bride and bridegroom finally! (: Click for larger image
Talking about today. I meant 10th of May. It is an important to me. It is my buddy Vinz's birthday. Happy birthday brother! I'm so happy to see him so happy with his girlfriend together playing. They are just so lovely. Vinz's rented a car for today and fetched me after school (: Total coolness. He drives so fast and wild. He pressed many times of horn for nothing la! I think he did it for the fun of it ! Like wth! So he went to fetched Valerie and Angela too! Total madness in car after they got up! They keep biting and pulling leg hairs la! Like they just came out from woodbridge! Anyway, I have to repeat myself again! They are really SUPER NICE! I sweared! We went to this adidas shop to just walked and look around. Then I pondered and stopped to look at this Adidas wristband. The next thing I knew I was doing was play XBOX in that shop! So they shopped around while I was in my virtual world! The moment I stepped out of the shop, they passed me this gift!
Ain't them sweet?! They just buy without any hints. And going out with them is really cool. They just spend everything just to make one happy. Normally I'm quite careful with money. I saved! But whenever I'm out with them , I don't hesistate to spend on them!
I REALLY LOVE MY ITE FRIENDS !!!! They are really part of my life. No words can't say how much I need them. They are a big hell loads bunch to mention. I think I shared it with Jerlyn before. I will post more pictures of it on this wonderful night. Thanks Vinz's for the spin and ride home tonight.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN! You've changed to a better man. ((:
People, be really jealous of me. I'm not trying to show off here but I'm really fortunate. I'm happy and blissful.