due to the time constraint i will make a quick one here. haven't got the time to blog since yesterday. got tons of sms-es flooding in as the clock struck 12am. it is the day for Bobby to turned 18 FINALLY. the legal age. i will like to say a BIG thanks to everyone that greeted me through -sms-es,calls,picture sms,friendster testimonial and ecards. i love all of you and i'm surprised u all remembered. a total thanks to 80 plus people in total.
my "HOME" consisting of 12 people(you know who you are), gave me a expensive jacket which i love alot. and i know is expensive. thanks guys and girls.
michelle who gave me a soft toy which i love it that time when i told her about it.so sweet of her.
nikki and wenxiong who bought me a converse belt which come in handy. thanks !
my another group of friends who gave me a chain for my hp.
early morning i went to meet alex and dom to find junhao in j8. his CIP service. so funny of him! haha! always look so kuku in uniform! the first time we 4 guys went shopping around the whole orchard for a pair of shoes. that time was so fun and relaxing hanging out with them. hope for more to come. after that left them for my another group of frens waiting at bugis. they are one that can joke and play around with me. i don't feel 18 whenever i'm with them. saw them whom i missed badly all this while! (: though i don't receive any presents from them,but their presence is well received. they always say is the thoughts that count. after that i went back to court to meet my "HOME" but left a few people due to the late hours. but i'm sort of high tide so i went to kimli house for a relieve. then is like all planned out. they got out the presents for me. the atmosphere was unbelievable. they made a power point presentation just for me! whoever wants to see it, tell me. I WILL SEND U ALL! i'm so damn touched. i love them alot i swear. after all those sacrifices i made,it is worth it. today was one unforgettable birthday i had. thanks to all of you. YOU, you , and YOU!
i really don't know how to express myself but i do enjoy my 18th birthday.
oh ya. thanks for the HONGBAOS,from my two aunties that dote on me. my grandpa and grandma who care for me all the time. my parents too. thanks !
HUGS to all ! (:
-me and my best buddy.trying to be ah beng but we can't. -we had some dinner at some ulul place. -the gifts. the white jacket by home. the belt(nikki and wenxiong),toy by michelle. thanks!