-Preparation before going up the stage! nervous! -My jiejie cum hairstylish for this modelling! pretty huh? :)) -this is pris, my make up crew. i'm so blessed man! hahas ! -this is my best buddy , vinz cum jay zhou look alike. we rawks!
-left to right(me,tracy,pris,candy and vinz) -huihui,valerie and me! -my partners... huihui, me and valerie! -this is my buddies! yixiang & vinz! -a group photo of all the models! -the girl in red is tracy follow by jojo in white and shellen in pink! -aftermath of the modelling! -the girl in black is verin and middle girl is angela! -caught in the middle! =X -this is the day rehearsal before modelling :) -ok... home sweet home! perfect shot!