this is what happened yesterday. they always said a picture tells a thousand words so i hope this few pics will explain everything. hahas. and i just became a dad of two yesterday when buying ice cream? lol. well... here are the pictures. (:
-playing scissor paper stone wif immelia &i gave her chance or else her hand wun b normal
-that's immelia my daughter! isn't she funny?
-that's a early gift i received from denise [a card and a tag which i wore on my ankle now] -that's her laughing for don't know what lame thing i do. woodpecker?
-hey,stop peeping at others house. they want privacy la!
-these are my two daughters which are immelia[left] & jol[right]
-ok.. this one is damn funny! serve her right for bullying me! sit on her! lols!
-just came back from work helping my uncle. work together with my cousin and we are like damn tired after that. is giving out brochures which required on certain conditions only. it was a terrible feeling but i guess it does build up my self confidence somehow. went to meet up with immelia and her other 2 friends at cineleisure. played pool with them and get a watch as well. pinky! hahas! well.... i'm not actually feeling well due to the weather during work. can feel like i'm walking like a penguin,fainting anytime. btw,the pictures are purposely taken like this to make it blur so they can't be identified. hahs!